Document Sharing & e-Signatures

Products - Document Sharing & e-Signatures

Document sharing & signing – easy, safe & secure

Share documents with any number of people. It's easy!

  1. Upload the document(s) - PDFs, Word documents and more.
  2. Choose contacts or add additional recipients.
  3. Simply share or share for signatures, your choice.
  4. Choose how to share it:
  5. using a simple secure link (ideal for non-sensitive documents)
  6. using "two-factor" authorisation - sounds complicated but we've made it super-easy!
  7. via the client portal so that client can download and review at any time.

Need the document to be signed? Simply share the document using the Share & Sign option.

Notifications are sent automatically to all people who need to sign the document, and easy-to-follow instructions on how to sign are included. 

When all signatures have been collected, create a "final" signed document to be shared with the signatories. 

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